Ic-R6 Review
ic-r6 review

The radio is supplied with a 6 inch flexible rubber antenna. Surfing the Ether with the IC-R6 One of the first things I discovered about the IC-R6 didn’t come as a surprise. However, I didn’t have the unit to test for this review. Charger option for the IC-R6 the ICOM BC-194.

However the CTCSS and DCS modes have a strange trait (see text). Overall a worthy solidly built pocket receiver with good performance. The triple conversion AOR AR-mini Communications Receiver.

ic-r6 review

A external speaker would do justice for it. Write a Review.He tenido decenas de scanners, pero este hace como 10 años que lo tengo y no lo cambiaré jamas.en fin, lo recomiendo, 10 puntos AAAA+++OK, so the shortwave is a little wide and it's scanner functions aren't up to par. Software sin riesgo de perderse y jamas ha tenido problemas de colgarse ,muy efectivo y confiable.Teclas que permiten acceso directo a las funciones y digitación directa de frecuencia sin ahorro de perillas.Linda recepcion de radios de ondas cortas si se le improvisa una antenita telescopica o se le conecta un alambre o dipolo.En SSB es ancha , pero no puede pedirse un receptor profesional de SSB a un scanner portatil, demasiado lujo que lo trae y por lo menos funciona!!!.Quizás el único inconveniente es la corta duración de las pilas , pero trae tanta función, calidad de sonido, y display completo e iluminado que es logico su consumo.AEcreative Short Wide-band Scanner Antenna For Uniden BCD396T BCD436HP BC346XT BR330T Icom IC-R6 IC-RX7 Alinco DJ-X11T Sma Prices Shop. Tiene cosas muy utiles como el Band Scope (analizador de espectro ) ideal para ubicar señales desconocidas o conocer el centro de la portadora.Cómodos bancos de memorias y posibilidad de escribir sus nombres aun en cada memoria!!!. 1300 memory channels available 150mw audio output power optional bc-194 drop-in charger, VSC (Voice.

You could use this radio for the receiver part for your QRP transmitter. I gave it a 5 because of the reasonable performance ( not perfect), the small size ( about the size of a scanner) and for the wide range of frequncies that can be received with this radio.This radio would be perfect for emergency prepardness situations. It also has a noise blanker, bar s meter, and alphanumeric memory.Those wanting a scanner, will be disapointed with this radio, this is not a scanner! This is a communications radio that covers not just scanner frequencies but nearly everything else.If you want a compact communications receiver that just about covers everything, this radio is for you. I got it used for about $ 225, I am more than satisfied with this radio.With a cassette adapter in a car and using a CB antenna I can listen to shortwave broadcasts and catch the 6 pm TV ( audio) news and catch the latest scanner activity while out and about. 1000 channels and does have alphanumeric memory.I case you are asking, does it also get SSB receive on the VHF/UHF ham bands? Yep!Where else for less than $300 can you get a handheld radio that covers 95 % of what any radio enthusiast would want?I had this radio for over a year. AM/FM/Shortwave/TV (audio)/VHF/UHF in modes AM/FM/LSB/USB/CW.

Many more nights were spent trying to locate the much needed software, that should've been supplied in the first place or else the unit should've been hardwired for this feature before ever leaving the factory. To my inital disappointment I was to learn, as I'm sure many others have, that this receiver does not have one of the most common & now I see, one of the most taken for granted features on any scanner or receiver: Auto Mode / Auto Tuning Step! After having to search the manual for the R10, I found on page 69, I believe, that some of these units have to have it programmed into them. When I first purchased it, I was excited to have what was touted as one of the best Communications Receivers on the market.

After contacting Icom about this issue & being in communications with their techs, which of course of little to no assistance, I was back to square one again! Having learned that on top of the $250 I shelled out for the unit, the $35 I paid for the RT Systems software, and now they wanted about $25 more for this one little DOS program. I was back to square one even though now I had frequencies stored in the R10. The unit worked great for just scanning through the loaded frequencies but when it came to frequency hunting AKA VFO Scanning, it still didn't know what mode it should be in by default or what tuning step was the default for the appropriate mode. I continued working on the frequencies till I had a complete file built up then I loaded my. I ordered the RT Systems software & happily started building up my frequency data files (.icf) for loading into the R10 but didn't see anywhere to activate the Auto Mode / Auto Tuning Steps of the R10 in the RT Systems software.

I programmed all of the band plan data & tuning steps into it for the band plan data. Finally, with band plan in hand, I sat down for a bit to program this unit with this information to try an make it worth the money I'd spent on it thus far. Once I worked out a general "band plan", because after having contacted Icom again to see if they had a band plan file for this situation, they informaed me that they had no idea what I was talking about. This took up even more time and lead to even more disappointment with this unit. After locating the much needed software, I was excited once again! After having some small problems with the software I finally got it to work & then learned that I had to manually work out a "band plan" for the entire spectrum of the R10, even worse was the fact that you only have only 16 or 17 "slots" to split the bands into for the Auto Tuning Steps feature. Don't get me wrong, I do not believe in piracy of software, after all, I write some of this stuff! But I do not believe in having to pay that much for a DOS program or any program that should've either been included with the unit or else the factory should've hardwired that feature so as not to require that software to activate it.

Now I've learned that this unit is not really of any real use as a standard Communications Receiver but it does work well with frequency control software and reaction tuning for use in TSCM work.If you're looking for a great unit that does what the R10's supposed to do but doesn't, get yourself a Yaesu VR-500. Luckily, I discovered some really good software for the R10 as well as some very useful information about how to use the supplied data cable that came with the RT Systems software to control the R10 via CI-V operations. I finally one day resigned myself to try an find some use for this unit being that it wouldn't work as I had hoped or as it should've worked. Icf frequency file back into it because the CSR-10 software erases it, good thing I had saved all of it, I discovered to my utter anger that just as the CSR-10 erased my frequencies, the RT Systems software erased the CSR-10 data I had spent weeks working on! In total anger, I stored the R-10 away for about 3 months.

This is the secret for handheld HF on the R10. I'm very surprised and pleased! Initial disappointment with HF sensitivity on some bands, using a 24-inch telescopic ant, became irrelevant when I simply added a six-inch or so addition to the end of that. Plus it uses only 2 AA cell batteries as opposed to R10's uses of 4 and the operation time is the same!I hesitated for several years on my IC-R10 purchase, until the positive reviews on this site nudged me into giving it a chance.

Ic-R6 Review Upgrade Would Do

And TV audio to boot, including stations in adjacent markets. Using the attenuator on FM broadcast let the weaker FM locals through fine business. A five-kHz AM filter upgrade would do WONDERS for the R10! Other bands.I'm hearing CB traffic (yes I listen to CB too), and the full assortment of VHF/UHF signals. Having SSB capabilities in such a small unit is extremely cool. I'm very surprised that I'm hearing quite a number of distant MW stations and pretty much all the local AMers.

ic-r6 review

Don't get me wrong, I've got other ICOM products and I'm well satisfied with them (IC-2100, IC-2800, IC910). When compared to my VX-5, the R10 is quite deaf, more difficult to operate, more difficult to access / scan memories, and consumes batteries as if they were free. For $290, on sale, I'm returning mine tomorrow. Well I'd suggest you read the prior reviews carefully regarding sensitivity, squelch, and memory use & scanning.

I learned from that this is a 1997 design. In three days, I've used one set of AA's already.

ic-r6 review